This is a .45 caliber Browning 1911 pistol, which was once
the standard firearm for the U.S. armed forces.
My dad was a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne, and though he
hadn’t seen combat, this pistol reminds me of the sacrifice he was willing to
make for our country. This day, and
countless of other days whenever I use these pistols (my favorites), I'm reminded of
the soldiers who died fighting to preserve the freedom we too-often take for
granted. I sleep better knowing there
are still men and women out there willing to do the same, despite the bad rap
our nation tends to receive from abroad and within. God bless the souls of those who died and
those who are still out there defending the freedoms of this greatest country
on earth.
©Randall S. Fong, M.D.
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