Adenoidectomy and Ear Tubes for Otitis Media (Ear Infections): The Role of the Adenoid and Ear Infections

Adenoidectomy: Indications

Asymmetric Hearing Loss and Acoustic Neuromas

Bell’s Palsy and the Drooping Face: A Cause of Facial Paralysis

Cauliflower Ear (Ear Hematoma)


The Ear Exam

Dizziness: Preliminary Considerations (since it might not be the ear!)

Dizziness from Labyrinthitis

Dizziness: Vestibular Neuronitis

Dizziness: Benign Positional Vertigo (the “crystals in the ear)

Dizziness and the Vestibular System: Form and Function

Dizziness: Meniere’s Disease

Ear Candles for Wax Removal:  They Don’t Work!

Ear Cleaning : Do’s and Don’ts

Ear Infections: Otitis Media vs Otitis Externa

Ear Popping & Crackling: Sources other than the ear

Ear Tubes for Otitis Media

Ear Tubes (Myringotomy and Tubes): How It's Done

Ear Pressure, Ear Pain: It could be your TMJ

Ear Foreign Bodies

Eustachian Tube Part 1: Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

Eustachian Tube Part 2: Ear Popping and Its Effect on Hearing

Eustachian Tube Blockage: Otitis Media and Tumors

Eustachian Tube Dysfunction: Preventative Measures When Travelling

Hearing and The Physics of Sound Mechanics

Hearing: How the Ear Processes Sound

Hearing Loss (Not as Simple as it Sounds): The Different Types

Hearing Loss in Old(er) Folks: Presbycusis

Hearing Loss and Dementia

Hearing Loss from Noise Exposure

Hearing and the Inner Workings of the Cochlea

Hearing and Tuning Fork Tests

Hearing Testing: The Audiogram and the Audio Booth

Otomycosis (fungus in the ear)

Otitis Externa (Swimmer’s Ear)

Otitis Externa (Swimmer’s Ear) Part 2

Otitis Media, (Middle Ear Infections) and Ear Tubes


Spinal Fluid from the Ear

Sudden Hearing Loss

Tinnitus (Ear Ringing): What are those noises in my head?

Tinnitus (Ear Ringing): Causes and Remedies

TMJ (Temporal Mandibular Joint) and Ear Pain
