Adenoids: What are they?  Where are They?

Adenoidectomy: Indications

Adenoidectomy (removal of adenoids): How It’s Done

Cancer of the Larynx: A Motivation to Stop Smoking

Cancer of the Tonsil: Surgical Approach with Mandibular Swing

Dry Mouth & The Wonderful World of Spit

Epiglottitis: A Life Threatening Condition and Another Reason to Vaccinate Your Child

Foreign Bodies in the Throat (and Nose):  A Looming Choking Hazard

Laryngeal Anatomy: A Journey into Your Voice Box

The Larynx and Voice Production

Lump in The Throat: Globus Pharyngeus

Nasopharyngoscopy: Fiberoptic exam of the nose and throat

Neck Space Infections: Parapharyngeal, Retropharyngeal and Peritonsillar Abscesses

Neck Infections from Bad Teeth

Phlegm: Yuck or Not

Salivary Stones

Sinus Infections from Bad Teeth

Sore Throat 101: Anatomy of the Throat

Sore Throat 102:  Waldeyer’s Ring defending the fort

Sore Throat 103:  Tonsillitis, Strep and Mono.  The Triple Crown of Throat Infections

Sore Throat 104: Peritonsillar Abscess

TMJ (Temporal Mandibular Joint) Problems

Tongue: Hairy and Geographic Tongues

Tongue Lumps and Bumps and other interesting features

Tonsil and Adenoid Enlargement in Children and SleepDisordered Breathing

Tonsillectomy: Indications and Post-operative Expectations

Tonsillectomy (removal of tonsils): the Surgical Technique

Tonsil Stones (Tonsilliths)

Vocal Nodules and Hoarseness

For more topics on medicine, health and the weirdness of life in general, check out the rest of the blog site at
