A Doctor’s Apology Can go a Long Way

Age is Just a Number

Art and Imagination

Bigotry in Medicine: Facing Conflict with Empathy

Bring the Real YOU to Your Workplace

COVID Vaccine: If not for yourself, then for the rest of us

Christmas: “Merry Christmas” and no Offense Intended

Christmas 2021

Christmas 2022

Christmas 2023

Christmas Letter Writing: A Right and Wrong Way?

Diet and Exercise: The Key to a Balanced and Happy Life

The Doctor as a Patient: A View from the Other Side

Doctors Hurt Too: Christmas 2019

The ENT Doctor’s Office: Frightening or Fascinating?

Dog Poop: A Metaphor for Challenge and Change, Seeing the Positive in Negative Circumstances

End of Year Reflections

Exercise: A Means to Combat Burn-out

Exercise: The Concepts or Aerobic vs Anaerobic

Exercise: Getting Motivated to Do It

Exercise with Weight Training: The Path to the Fountain of Youth

Exercise: Running Barefoot

Exercise: Outdoor Barefoot Running and the Adventure of Life

Exercise: Running Hill Repeats to celebrate a birthday

Exercising Brain and Body--At the Same Time (and the wonders of Jeopardy!)

Flu Vaccine: Get It!

Food: A Wonderful Necessity

Forgiveness: Whatever Happened to It?

Giving Up the Knife: Saying Goodbye to Surgery

Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021

Graduation: A Speech to Medical Residents

Gun Violence in America: A Complex Problem needing a Balanced Approach

Humor in Medicine: Look for it and you will find it

Informational Guide for ENT Patients

Kids and the Frightful Things They Do

Labor Day: Work Like a Dog!

Listen to your Patient…and your Mother.  The Truth will be Revealed

Look or You'll Miss It

Medical School: Of Cadavers and Coping

Memorial Day 2018

Memorial Day 2019

Memorial Day 2020

Memorial Day 2021

Memorial Day 2022

Patient Education: Pictures can go a long way

Physician: Will The Real One Please Stand?

Plantar Fasciitis: An Unconventional Cure by Running Barefooted

Political INCORRECTNESS: A Natural Human Phenomenon

Racism in America: It Cuts Both Ways

Retirement: Not Yet!

Shooting and Relaxation

The Stupidity of Prior Authorizations

Teaching can be A Blast!

Unstructured Time: A Lost Art


For more topics on medicine, health and the weirdness of life in general, check out the rest of the blog site at
